We work with a third-party printing and fulfillment service to print and ship custom merchandise - including T-shirts, mugs and postcards. The service we use reserves the right not to print images or text that they determine to be offensive or inappropriate. We have worked with them to try to draw a reasonable line between being crass or dirty, and being offensive.
That being said, any designs or text determined to be hate speech, including racist, sexist, or homophobic images or language, will be canceled outright.
We will notify you and refund 100% of your order amount, including shipping costs, if such a cancellation occurs. In the case of some of your items being canceled and others printed, you will receive a refund for the full value of the item(s) canceled and the rest of your order will ship normally.
If you do not receive your order or receive incorrect/incomplete items, and have NOT been notified, please contact us via support ticket form or email support@jackboxgames.com as this is likely an unrelated issue. Our vendor will not ship a design other than the one(s) you ordered in the case of a cancellation due to content.
For more information, please refer to our Terms of Service.
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