Generally speaking, your order will arrive within 1-3 weeks if you live in the US, and 3-4 weeks if you live in another country. Some factors beyond our shipping agent's control, such as COVID-19, international shipping issues, and customs processing may cause delays. Because custom merch is made to order, and since we cannot predict delays outside our control, we cannot guarantee custom merch will arrive by a specific day. This also means that if the recipient will be moving to a new address, you should wait to place your order, as again we cannot guarantee an arrival window prior to a move.
We do not accept returns, or provide refunds for custom merchandise that does not arrive on a specific date. Please also note that in some cases, orders for multiple items may be split into more than one shipment.
However, if you have not received your order in more than a month in the US, or 6 weeks internationally, and believe you may have a shipping issue with your order, please read this Knowledge base article for next steps: My merchandise order hasn't shown up, what now?
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